A number of our customers have to deal with visitors who are visually impaired (including fully blind people). Webshaping is specialized in making accessible websites.
Are youaSME or organizationand looking for anewwebsite that must contain allmodern web techniques.We strive for ahigh quality.We are able to create the following websites.
Business websites
Mobile websites
Websites with aspecific target group(children,peoplewith visual impairments)
Fromsports organizationtoparquetshopto humorwebsite.Viewourportfolio to seeall these kinds of websites.
We always use ourown developedCMSwhere you can easily change your own texts, images, videos and other content. Without much technical knowledgeyour can maintain your own website.
Nowadays there are manyweb technologiesandtrendsintheworld ofWorld Wide Web.RSS,Web2.0/3.0, CMS, AJAX,Web videoand social mediaarecommonly usedterms.
Wealways strive for awebsiteas accessible aspossibleso the sitecan be visitedby anyone.Byprofessionally and neatlywritten codeaccording to W3Cstandards, it ispossible to use thewebsiteaccessible topeoplewith visual impairments.The W3C(World Wide WebConsortium)is an organization thatcreatesweb standardsfor variousweb technologies.
Contact us for more information. Go to our contact page for details.